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Is the BLM bad? (Bureau of Land Management)

    No. The Bureau of Land Management does a really poor job of explaining why we have lotteries and permit systems. It is unfortunate because this faceless government institution serves an important part of our natural lands, keeping them intact during a popular time to be outside and going on adventures. So, let me explain why these annoying parts of visiting the most incredible of spots exist in the first place.

The only way to access this canyon is with a Navajo guide. This is partially due to its violent nature that formed the slot canyon.

    These places like the Wave and White Pocket in Vermillion Cliffs National Monument in southern Utah/northern Arizona are incredible. They are unique pieces of art naturally created by the weather and years of geological patterns. The marvels of the natural world that are as fragile in their existence as a flower. An influx of human interest in an area can be devastating to the natural landscape practically destroying everything that was valuable in the process. 

I don't have any images of these permit only places, but would like to go sometime if possible!

    We are historically good at destroying and not at preserving. Take a look at the wonders of the natural world and see how only one still is standing today which is the pyramids of Giza. If left to human nature we would appreciate these places to death at the very least. While painful to think how many may be deterred from visiting or incapable of visiting due to the lottery system being unfavorable at least these places will be around for generations to enjoy in the future instead of becoming destroyed and forgotten.