photo art

I'm not just a photographer. I am an artist.

I'm not just a photographer. I am an artist.

It feels like a badge of honor to call myself a photographer. At least it used to before I thought about it more and then heard it behind defined. A photographer is, simply put someone that takes photographs. As an artist, I get to choose to create photographs and I just so happen to use a camera to do that.

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Using Landscape Photography as a form of Escapism.

Using Landscape Photography as a form of Escapism.

This passion of mine is an art form and a business, but it is also quite a bit more than just those two things to me. I use it as an escape too, allowing myself to get away to a zone where I can be on my own. Everybody needs some type of escapism that has a positive impact on their lives and I chose landscape photography!

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Why I don't take photos all the time.

Why I don't take photos all the time.

It is great to be out in nature with a camera. Unfortunately, most times that I am able to get out the light and the weather isn’t all that compelling.

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The 'Need' for a Focal Point in Photography

The 'Need' for a Focal Point in Photography

We are constantly told, as photographers, to have a subject and focal point in an image. This is one of those fundamental rules in composition we all take on and accept during those formative first years of learning the art. It is also one of the rules you can break, if you are careful.

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“You must have a nice camera”

“You must have a nice camera”

 It isn’t ever meant to be an insult. You are trying to say something as a compliment and the first thing you could come up with was to focus on the thing we need in order to create the images. The issue is that it comes off as off-putting and misses the point of complimenting the work in the first place!

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